Using the Final Work application You can access the Final Work offer, as well as carry out the different procedures from the application to the defense of the Final Study Project. For any questions or incidents you can contact the Academic Management Secretariat of your center.
Two types of Final Work are offered at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena: General and Specific.
General Final Work: They can be carried out by more than one student and may be of the classic project type or technical, organizational or economic studies. The offer of these Final Work must be published before November 5 of each year. The validity of these Final Work will be the academic year in which it has been offered. His defense must be made exclusively in the calls for regulated exams (February, June or September), and at least 3 months must have elapsed since his assignment to the student.
Specific Final Work: They can only be done by a student. The offers of these Final Work can be made by the professor who directs it during practically the entire academic year. His defense may be carried out at any time of the course, provided that at least 3 months have elapsed since his assignment to the student.
In order to access the Final Work application, it is necessary to be previously enrolled in the subject. For this you must have passed, or be enrolled, in all the credits of the title, in the absence of the Final Work.
At the time of requesting the defense of the Final Work, it is necessary to have passed all the credits of the title (except for the Final Work). Remember that when requesting the defense you must include the memory, in electronic format. Have it at hand!
For any other questions or queries about this process, you can check with the Academic Management Secretary for your degree.